"Try to look at everything through the eyes of a child."
Ruth Draper (1884 - 1956) US actress In "Discerning God's Will," 1979.
His eyes did not meet mine until the appointed time, until he was ready.
I knew he saw me, from out on the baseball field.
He was playing third base, this bright ten year old, and this was his introduction into baseball.
"In God's world, for those who are in earnest, there is no failure. No work truly done, no word earnestly spoken, no sacrifice freely made, was ever made in vain." Frederick Robertson (1816 - 1853) English divine.
What do our children remember when we teach them about God and God's stories?
He was returning from Sunday School and church, fresh from a class that included his age of four years, and he was riding in the car.strapped in his own seat. His mom and dad asked, "What was your Bible verse today?" He answered "Trust in the Lord with all your heart."