Eth built a "firepit" of stones & bricks in the front yard. When he lapsed in minding his mommy she took away his Friday night movie Toy Story 2 and he lay down on the ground by the pit in total disappointment. Some folks coming up from the beach passed by and said "Oh a little boy lying down by the fire" (took the kind of imagination Eth had as no fire was there & they recognized it as a place for fire). Eth answered them while remaining prone, "No I'm fainting". Fainting in disappointment. Well his attitude changed and he helped Grams water the plants and his mom surprised him with reinstatement of movie night.

Eth fell down today, not from the front tree he loves to climb, but simply in running. The rocks banged up his knee with a couple of deep abrasions which will take longer to heal because of the bending of the knee. The first aid kit is well used. He ran the wagon with it anyway but when not playing walks with it stiff.

-What things thankful for today?
-THANKFUL that CAR totally made the beach garage a lean clean room! -And for sunshine and warm weather continuing. And the loudest crashing of waves all day, like cracking thunder. -And C & AGO working outside on the shed together. -And while I work on websites, Eth running with and riding his wagon outside and running with the puppies in the garage. And fresh Blueberries and pears.
-THANKFUL that CAR totally made the beach garage a lean clean room! -And for sunshine and warm weather continuing. And the loudest crashing of waves all day, like cracking thunder. -And C & AGO working outside on the shed together. -And while I work on websites, Eth running with and riding his wagon outside and running with the puppies in the garage. And fresh Blueberries and pears.