Each morning at the beach house we heard wondrous sounds from the resident piano which has two octaves in tune and the rest wildly awry! 
Eth starts each day playing the piano, even before he is entirely awake - as if the brain comes alive with the piano variations.  Wow can he play!  and change keys and do variations on a theme. He does not get discouraged with mistakes but simply corrects them and practices until he gets the piece perfect.
Meanwhile, back home, CT started a new school.  He has been searching for friends whose language is not consumed with swearing and sewer talk.  Hopes to find friends of similar interests and more interesting things to do than criticize people.  His talk has not been shaped by hours & hours of bad talk TV shows.  He rarely watches TV as he has too many interesting things to do. He had a summer full of great friends and fun things at two camps, mission trip, drama theatre, etc.  But at this school he knows noone.  He was rather shocked by the boys' language and rudeness at a get-acquainted event.  Where were the other boys?  Surely there are others.   That will soon have to change and boys of like minds will indeed find each other.